Get this..: I was on the LRT to my cuz's aqiqah when sitting next to me was a man with no toenails. TOENAILS! none of it! I couldn't stop staring... i know there are weirder sights in this world like the bearded lady, the elephant man, what have you. BUT.... this guy's toes just looked like stubs, cuz he gots no toenails!!!!!
*cricket* *cricket*
my cuz's aqiqah was nice. The baby's name is Amir...

...evenin', cuteness...
It also doubled as Ariff's (Amir's bro) party, so i had plenty of chocolate cake. i thot i was gonna be bored the whole time (cuz famly gatherings are always awkward)....
these two girls came along...
Aisyah and Ain
they were like 5 and 2 and at first it was all nice and happy...following me around, giggling, eating grapes and were just so damn cute!
suddenly, one of 'em (the 2 year old) started pulling my tudung, grabbed my neck, screamed, jumped on the couch, showed her panties (gasp) and then went to banging the toy trucks and smeared cake and bit into the styrofoam cups and threw grapes and hoarded all the toys.....
i've had enuff of kids for this w'end.
wat about you?
till later,
p.s i hope the parents don't find out that i've been badmouthing their kid...huhuhhuh!!