Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Little Things ....

.... will be the new name of this blog. I feel that i have been very lax in updating my blog and the reason for that is the theme for my blog is quite limiting. I'm not one to stick to anything rigidly, but i feel that having made the whole blog about letters to friends, i'm confined to just finding material that i can relate to my friends. Which doesn't really work because....i...i'm just gonna put it out there...i..don't have a lot of FRIENDS.....!!*sigh*

Then i read this article about how to be a good blogger is by having something that you love to write about and not forced i thought about it...and what i really love doing is appreciate the little things in life. especially when it comes to Muaz. I love to document his conversations and now i'll have a place to put it.

Anyhoo, i came upon the title when i was watching Zombieland, which, for those who have yet to see it, is freaking AWESOME!!! i'm not about to do the review of the movie here as i'm in a rush. But the movie is basically about people living in Zombieland. HOw's that for giving it the absolute minimum? hardy har. Anyways, one of the characters talked about enjoying the little things even in a zombie outbreak, so i says to maself...well, hey! ima take that lil quote and jest run with it, Uh-huh.....

woah...musta have been posessed by a redneck for a minute there.

*deep breath*

i feel like this is a start of something beautiful...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dear Awesome Night with the Turdz

you are awesome.

Absence makes the heart grows fonder, and i am very fond of my Turdz.The sleepover, as all Turd sleepover goes, starts with the normal "discussions" on what happened recently and the most recent thing would be the BENL Alumni Dinner which, according to Suemy, is a waste of RM100.

i didn't go.

Two reasons: lack of money and my awkward reflex was acting up. it does that sometimes. i would get the most sickening feeling in my gut and my memory would go on hyper search and replay the most AWKWARD scenes i have ever experienced that is related to the upcoming event.In this case scenes in UIA. this reflex makes me squirm and makes me want to avoid any such scenes in the near future, especially if the people involved in those awkward times will be there.

But I digress. What i wanted to say was that the sleepover was everything i had hope for and more.
There was the getting lost by the all stylish Suemy :"I knew this would happen!"
the ribbing of one bra less Yanna:"But you can't really see the nipple!"
the death threats by the attention deficit Mady(aka Mann and/or The Lion):"How would you like your legs? minced or diced?"
and the get to know your sex i.d quizzes Mistress Myra made all of us take:"i'm actually a man!!"
I decided to mix it up a little by making it a somewhat girly event by bringing some facial masks i got at Elianto:"facial masks, everybody!!!! weee!!!!"
*cough* i wasn't THAT *cough* excited......

Um....yeah, well they were on sale and i got 6 packets for rm24. not bad amirite? What with the rm40 worth of junk food and everyone comfy on the bed, we wrapped up the night with the viewing of a dark comedy called "Burke and Hare" starring Andy Serkis and Simon Pegg (God, i love these two). Based on a true story, Burke (Pegg) and Hare (Serkis) are two entrepreneurs who killed people and sold them to doctors for dissection as a form of learning about the human body. It was set in the 1800 and it is pret-ty funny. my favourite line: "I had confidence on a fart once, and i shat myself"...Sweet.

Next morning Mady introduced Suemy and I to a Japanese film called "Confessions" which with all intent and purposes is one of the darkest, twisted, morally twisted movie I have seen so far.

...and i LOVE it...

the characters are all unsympathetic and have the some of the most unacceptable excuses for doing the things they did, but that is what makes it brilliant. My favourite character is the Teacher. That lady knows how to make your life a nightmare, for real. The cinematography is to a visual orgy and the soundtrack is brilliant. Thanx Mady...tho i wasn't the least bit surprised that thsi movie turned out the way it did seeing as how you recommended it...hahaha...

All in all...time spent with the Turds is time well spent....i don't care if that doesn't sound right, i just love hanging out with them peeps. haha. better be signing off.
till later, Awesome Night.